Sad to hear about the death of former state Sen. Gary DeCramer, 67, a DFLer formerly from Ghent. He mentored me during my unsuccessful state senate run in 1986. (Don't hold that against him!) Henn. Co. Att. Mike Freeman says this about DeCramer: "You liked to be around Gary because he made you feel decent and good...He was a gentle, thoughtful person." What politicians should be.
Was gonna run for State Rep. that year but former Sen. Roger Moe talked me into being the sacrificial lamb against popular state Sen. Earl Renneke (IR-LeSueur). Fun, costly on several fronts, and thought I'd run two years later. Never did. But Moe and DeCramer were great.
DeCramer was an old-school, rural Minnesota advocate. He was able to cross political aisles and do what was best for sustaining small-town principles and policies. And he continued that work and dedication long after his service in the State Senate. Seeing that he died of a heart attack while visiting the U of M-Morris with his teenage daughter saddened me on several fronts. Minnesota loses a great man, a great rural spokesman; his daughter moves on to her collegiate days without her father; and those days of civil bipartisanship have longed past us by.